• e-Admin link
  • Awards link
  • Recognition Tools link
  • Communication link
  • Concierge link

Icon of Stars Plus

Employee Social Recognition Tools

CSISTARS game-changing employee recognition tools turn your Service Award program into a powerful platform that touches ALL employees, even millennials, who let’s face it, are hard to keep for 5+ years!

Manager Interface

a screenshot of a CSI STARS website's homepage

Employee Interface

platform of a website
Device Optimised

Device Optimized

a bubble head with a thank you written inside

Our peer-to-peer tools encourage employees and managers to:

  • Send and receive thanks
  • Recognize behaviors aligned with core values
  • Publicly promote great work across the company
a search bar icon with 3 people icon inside

Engage and empower ALL your employees with our social recognition dashboard:

  • Promote how your organization and employees are making a difference
  • Showcase employee success stories and client testimonials
  • Recognize progress towards goals and company wins
Icon of a birthday cake

Celebrate and share ALL employee anniversaries and birthdays

Celebrating 15 years
Show you care by recognizing special occasions and allowing colleagues to post and view congratulations

Pulse -Surveys

Use Pulse Surveys to check-in with your teams. No need for expensive third party tools.

  • Solicit ideas and feedback
  • Gauge employee engagement and morale
  • Poll teams easily and more frequently

Check out more of our personalized ways to recognize others

Recognition Awards

For more information, download our Service Awards for a Millennial-Driven World
