Beating Cancer is in our Blood

In by csistars

Beating Cancer is in our Blood

Lifesaving breakthroughs – from precision medicine to immunotherapies – have emerged from researching cancer cells in the blood, which are easier to access and study than those in solid tumors. Many pivotal discoveries, made by some of the world’s best hospitals, doctors and researchers, have originated from LLS-funded research. These game changing insights and treatment approaches are now helping patients with other cancers and diseases. That’s why we can say proudly: “Beating Cancer is in Our Blood.”

More than 65 years of fighting blood cancers has led us to a game changing belief: the cures for cancer are in our blood. The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) is at the forefront of the fight to cure cancer, their work has helped millions impacted by this disease. Thank you to the LLS and Dr. Selina Chen-Kiang for working tirelessly to find cures and ensure patients can access the lifesaving treatments they need.

Dr. Selina Chen-Kiang, renowned Weill Cornell researcher is funded by The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS). Dr. Chen-Kiang explains why she studies blood cancer and why beating cancer is in our blood.


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