Nicole | Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

Nicole’s Story

In by csistars

Nicole | Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

Nicole’s Story

Nicole is a two-time cancer survivor at the age of 25. Her journey began when she was 16 years old after being diagnosed with Hodgkins lymphoma. After numerous rounds of intensive chemotherapy and radiation, Nicole became cancer free in June 2009. Although she missed a lot of school, she graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Clinical/Counseling Psychology.

In 2015, after noticing her stomach had extended, Nicole went to see a gynecologist who claimed she was 5 months pregnant. Instead, when she went for an ultrasound, they found a large mass. Nicole ended up having a total hysterectomy. Nicole was then diagnosed with Ewing’s Sarcoma in her uterus and pelvis; her case was so rare that a medical journal was written about it. After 17 rounds of chemotherapy and hospital admissions, Nicole became cancer free again in October 2016.

Nicole said, Even though I am done with treatment, you do not go back to “normal” the day after. You go into recovery and that takes time, effort, and a lot of strength and energy. Each day I wake up I tell myself it gets better each day. I am on the road to recovery! For anybody newly diagnosed with cancer, let your emotions come out. Be sad, be angry, cry, do what you need to do. Then stand tall and say, ‘I have cancer, cancer does not have me’. Read more…

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